Onalaska Adult Day Center

Onalaska Adult Day Center

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Welcome to our Onalaska facility. As with all of our facilities, we provide a variety of services and activities for our clients. We are a team that is committed to providing quality, specialized care and compassion to each one of our clients . We are located at 565 Braund St in Onalaska. There is a great deal of activity that occurs daily in our day center and each activity is designed to meet each client's individual goals. We also recognize the critical nature of the partnership that needs to exist between our service and families that utilize our facility. With this, we look to our families for candid feedback on our menu of services offered and ways we could improve our facility, In addition to the significance of this partnership, we also recognize the importance of staff development. As a member of the staff, we are required and encouraged to attend regular professional development opportunities that will augment our existing set of skills. 

May Activity Calendar

Click on the button above to view activities for this month.

May Menu

Click on the button above to see what we are serving this month.

Our Team

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